A Few Questions...
Where and when were you born?
Sydney Australia, on October 13, 1966.
Where do you live?
I live in Sydney but I've also lived in London and travelled around the world from Scotland to Italy, Sri lanka to India, Spain, Malaysia and many countries in Africa.
What are your favourite things to do?
Reading, writing, bushwalking, yoga, reading, cooking, learning new things, bike riding, travelling, swimming ... Did I mention reading?
What's the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?
I was thrown in jail ... twice ... while travelling through Africa. I didn't do anything,
but try telling that to scary-looking men with guns. Oh and I also hosted a live
TV show on ABC Splash. That was a wee bit scary ... but fun too. You can see the
show just there on the right.
Have you won any awards?
Have I? Check this out!
What would you be if you weren't an author?
A mountain climber. Or astronaut. But I'm afraid of heights, so ...
Do you have any writing tips?
Yep. Heaps.
Oh ... you want some? Click here!
What inspires you to write?
I mostly write what I get excited about, or what makes me cranky. For example, Grimsdon and the sequel New City were written because I was angry with governments around the world for not taking care of the planet. In Grimsdon, a group of kids live in a flooded city with sea monsters, flying machines and sneaker waves. In New City, the children are flown to a seemingly perfect world with ornithopters, ice tornados and a brand new bad guy.
What are you working on now?
I am writing the final novel in the Grimsdon series, my cranky climate change novels. The first was Grimsdon, then New City followed by Final Storm, which will be out in August 2019. It has wild weather, hoverboards, robots, rescue eagles, a new bad guy and an old bad guy. There'll also be a new teenager, called Aleksander Larsen, who is smart, kind, good-looking and likes Isabella Charm. Xavier can't stand him.

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