Grimsdon, New City &
Final Storm
deb's cranky novels
The Grimsdon trilogy was inspired by governments around the world not taking enough care of the planet.
When the city of Grimsdon floods, a group of kids is left in the ruins along with sea monsters, flying machines and sneaker waves. Isabella, her best friend Griffin and three other children, survive with Griffin’s brilliant inventions and Isabella’s fighting skills. When a mysterious boy arrives in his flying machine, they wonder if letting him into their lives will lead to a way out or into even more danger.
The sequel, New City, takes the issue of a climate-changed world further by asking what happens to people when wild weather drives them out of their homes? This time, there are ornithopters, ice tornadoes, rescue eagles and a brand new bad guy.
The third and last book, Final Storm, will be released on August 6.
Isabella and her friends have settled into New City, enrolled in school and met the charming Aleksander Larsen. Fierce ice storms batter the city and when someone from Isabella's past returns, her life is soon in danger. Can Griffin face his darkest fears to save her and survive this furious final storm?
Want To Read More
about saving the planet?
Project Drawdown
Fight for Planet A: ABC series with Craig Reucassel
101 Top web resources
Ideas for your classroom.
Gardening superstar Costa Georgiadis wants to plant a trillion trees to combat climate change https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=464747814351222
15 Mind-Blowing Ways to Save the Planet
NASA For Kids
TED talks on climate change
David Suzuki
New City
Final Storm
Deb talks Grimsdon
Deb loves the characters she creates and always has so much fun with them, even the bad ones. She is often asked, are any of your characters based on you?
Max Remy is absolutely based on her ... clumsy, impulsive, short and feisty, but it is Isabella Charm that Deb would REALLY love to be. She stands up to bullies who are much bigger than her and is good at hiding how scared she feels. She is loyal, feisty and very, VERY cranky when it comes to anyone picking on the three young kids she looks after, Bea, Fly and Raffy.
'GRIMSDON is a rollicking adventure with heaps of good fights with pirates, attractive and memorable characters, unexpected twists and mysteries. Highly recommended.'
'A new Deborah Abela novel is always something to be excited about and this one does not disappoint. I recommend this book to any reader, regardless of gender, in the nine-to-12 age group.'
'Wow. The world that Deb Abela has created here is amazing. I loved every minute of this book - the lovely, strong, cheeky characters, the settings, the mysteries waiting to be unraveled.'
Holly Harper, GOODREADS